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hotels near celebration farm iowa city

if((inday >= outday) || (outday == 'Invalid Date' && inday != 'Invalid Date')){ The motel was under renovation, and the room smelled stale. .coverscreen { destTextField.innerHTML = 'Attraction or facility name'; Weddings & Special Events. box-shadow: 0px 3px 4px; return false; The staff let us check in early. Available at document.getElementById('cityarea').innerHTML = "City, Area, or Attraction"; However, the housekeepers knocked on the door 3 times despite being told of my checkout time. if(document.getElementById("chain")){ if (wname == null || wname == '') The AC was better but not great. var outDateArr = tomorrow.asString().split("/"); console.log('(#sel_chk_in_day,#sel_chk_in_month,#sel_chk_in_year -- change).change'); left: 50%; var yy=params[2]; Great front desk clerks, but parking was terrible and there was no hot breakfast. The hotel clerks were pleasant, personable, and helpful. return false; Nice hotel staff. function doPopupWithSize(url, wname, width, height) div.dp-popup div.dp-nav-prev a{float:left} $(function(){ document.getElementById( 'setDate' ).style.display='block'; Jan 22 - Jan 23. alert("Your date range must be less than 100. Rooms & Suites. div.dp-popup div.dp-nav-next{position:absolute;top:1px;right:4px;width:100px;font-size:12px} SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western Coralville. a#dp-close{font-size:11px;padding:4px 0;text-align:center;display:block} } Nice bathroom with lighted mirror. document.getElementById(elemid).style.background="white url('/i/t.gif') top left no-repeat"; Everything was first-rate, including the hot breakfast. The hotel was nice, new, and clean. else return false;} The employees were great. var checkInDateMini=document.getElementById('chk_in2').value; +1 (319) 268-1800. } $(function() var country=''; var out_dd = outDateArr[1]; "Lovely hotel in a great location for shopping. 2.11 mi from city center. document.getElementById('destfield').value=unescape(ccty); if( (inDateArr.length = 3) && (outDateArr.length = 3)){ } The rates were high for football weekends. var params=x.split('|'); The cost was high as well. If you're tired of cramped rooms and small beds, this place is worth going a bit out of your way. var datePlus360 = new Date(firstDay.getTime() + 360 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); The upscale red barn sits at the edge of the beautiful wooded acreage, offering fantastic views from the wrap around deck. alert ("Please choose a check out date that is later than your check in date. You won't be disappointed if you stay here. $('#chk_out2').dpSetOffset(22, 0); dateToCheck.setDate(dd); console.log('(#sel_chk_in_month).focus'); cookie_date.setTime(cookie_date.getTime()-1); function validateForm(){ "The hotel was clean and nicely styled. } document.getElementById('checkout_monthday').value = checkout_monthday; document.cookie="hgShowCal=; expires="+cookie_date.toGMTString(); return false; table.jCalendar{background:#ffe986;color:#111} The front desk clerks were friendly, and breakfast was good. $('#chk_in,#chk_out').click(function(){ .dp-nav-prev-year,.dp-nav-next-year{visibility:hidden} document.getElementById('setDate').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('chk_out').value=dod; //function changeradio(aof){var destinput = document.getElementById('destfield');var destTextField = document.getElementById('typeofsearch');if(aof == 'city'){destTextField.innerHTML = 'City name';document.getElementById('citspan').style.color="#993333";document.getElementById('attspan').style.color="#333333";}else{destTextField.innerHTML = 'Attraction or facility name';document.getElementById('attspan').style.color="#993333";document.getElementById('citspan').style.color="#333333";}} * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. if(window.errortxt1 || window.errortxt2){ This is my favorite hotel in Iowa City; I've been staying here for 7 years, and the service is always excellent. } var bcurr_day = bdatePlus360.getDate(); if(document.getElementById("destfield") && document.getElementById("destfield").value != '' ) "swing":"linear")](this.state,J,0,1,this.options.duration);*this.pos);this.update()}return true}};o.extend(o.fx,{speeds:{slow:600,fast:200,_default:400},step:{opacity:function(E){o.attr(,"opacity",},_default:function(E){if([E.prop]!=null){[E.prop]}else{E.elem[E.prop]}}}});if(document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect){o.fn.offset=function(){if(!this[0]){return{top:0,left:0}}if(this[0]===this[0].ownerDocument.body){return o.offset.bodyOffset(this[0])}var G=this[0].getBoundingClientRect(),J=this[0].ownerDocument,F=J.body,E=J.documentElement,L=E.clientTop||F.clientTop||0,K=E.clientLeft||F.clientLeft||0,||o.boxModel&&E.scrollTop||F.scrollTop)-L,H=G.left+(self.pageXOffset||o.boxModel&&E.scrollLeft||F.scrollLeft)-K;return{top:I,left:H}}}else{o.fn.offset=function(){if(!this[0]){return{top:0,left:0}}if(this[0]===this[0].ownerDocument.body){return o.offset.bodyOffset(this[0])}o.offset.initialized||o.offset.initialize();var J=this[0],G=J.offsetParent,F=J,O=J.ownerDocument,M,H=O.documentElement,K=O.body,L=O.defaultView,E=L.getComputedStyle(J,null),N=J.offsetTop,I=J.offsetLeft;while((J=J.parentNode)&&J!==K&&J!==H){M=L.getComputedStyle(J,null);N-=J.scrollTop,I-=J.scrollLeft;if(J===G){N+=J.offsetTop,I+=J.offsetLeft;if(o.offset.doesNotAddBorder&&! Events ; Element Iowa City. } if(document.getElementById("countryf") && document.getElementById("countryf").value != '' ) // BEGIN Sync select boxes w/ input field We allow you to bring in your own food and beverages, and will have a staff member on site through out your event. var cookie_string="doa="+escape(document.transferForm.chk_in.value)+"|dod="+escape(document.transferForm.chk_out.value)+"|ccty=|nrooms="+escape(document.transferForm.num_rooms.value)+"|nadults="+escape(document.transferForm.num_adults.value)+"|state=|country=|searcht="; if( (! } var dTparams=dateStr.split('/'); Rustic. document.getElementById('chk_out').style.background="white url('/i/t.gif') top left no-repeat"; $('#chk_in').blur(function(){ "+H+"("+E+")"}}return G},setArray:function(E){this.length=0;Array.prototype.push.apply(this,E);return this},each:function(F,E){return o.each(this,F,E)},index:function(E){return o.inArray(E&&E.jquery?E[0]:E,this)},attr:function(F,H,G){var E=F;if(typeof F==="string"){if(H===g){return this[0]&&o[G||"attr"](this[0],F)}else{E={};E[F]=H}}return this.each(function(I){for(F in E){o.attr(G?,F,o.prop(this,E[F],G,I,F))}})},css:function(E,F){if((E=="width"||E=="height")&&parseFloat(F)<0){F=g}return this.attr(E,F,"curCSS")},text:function(F){if(typeof F!=="object"&&F!=null){return this.empty().append((this[0]&&this[0].ownerDocument||document).createTextNode(F))}var E="";o.each(F||this,function(){o.each(this.childNodes,function(){if(this.nodeType!=8){E+=this.nodeType!=1?this.nodeValue:o.fn.text([this])}})});return E},wrapAll:function(E){if(this[0]){var F=o(E,this[0].ownerDocument).clone();if(this[0].parentNode){F.insertBefore(this[0])}{var G=this;while(G.firstChild){G=G.firstChild}return G}).append(this)}return this},wrapInner:function(E){return this.each(function(){o(this).contents().wrapAll(E)})},wrap:function(E){return this.each(function(){o(this).wrapAll(E)})},append:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,true,function(E){if(this.nodeType==1){this.appendChild(E)}})},prepend:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,true,function(E){if(this.nodeType==1){this.insertBefore(E,this.firstChild)}})},before:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,false,function(E){this.parentNode.insertBefore(E,this)})},after:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,false,function(E){this.parentNode.insertBefore(E,this.nextSibling)})},end:function(){return this.prevObject||o([])},push:[].push,sort:[].sort,splice:[].splice,find:function(E){if(this.length===1){var F=this.pushStack([],"find",E);F.length=0;o.find(E,this[0],F);return F}else{return this.pushStack(o.unique(,function(G){return o.find(E,G)})),"find",E)}},clone:function(G){var{if(!!o.isXMLDoc(this)){var I=this.outerHTML;if(!I){var J=this.ownerDocument.createElement("div");J.appendChild(this.cloneNode(true));I=J.innerHTML}return o.clean([I.replace(/ jQuery\d+="(? Cozy waterfront dwelling in Otley (from USD 139) Show all photos You can bet on a restful getaway at this waterfront dwelling facing Lake Red Rock in Otley, Iowa. (1,002 reviews) "Short .we checked in at about 11 pm and left at about 9am the next day". $('#sel_chk_in_day').val(in_dd); {expr:Z.pop(),set:E(ac)}:F.find(Z.pop(),Z.length===1&&U.parentNode?U.parentNode:U,Q(U));af=F.filter(ae.expr,ae.set);if(Z.length>0){ai=E(af)}else{X=false}while(Z.length){var ah=Z.pop(),ag=ah;if(!I.relative[ah]){ah=""}else{ag=Z.pop()}if(ag==null){ag=U}I.relative[ah](ai,ag,Q(U))}}if(!ai){ai=af}if(!ai){throw"Syntax error, unrecognized expression: "+(ah||Y)}if("[object Array]"){if(!X){ab.push.apply(ab,ai)}else{if(U.nodeType===1){for(var aa=0;ai[aa]!=null;aa++){if(ai[aa]&&(ai[aa]===true||ai[aa].nodeType===1&&K(U,ai[aa]))){ab.push(af[aa])}}}else{for(var aa=0;ai[aa]!=null;aa++){if(ai[aa]&&ai[aa].nodeType===1){ab.push(af[aa])}}}}}else{E(ai,ab)}if(V){F(V,U,ab,ac);if(G){hasDuplicate=false;ab.sort(G);if(hasDuplicate){for(var aa=1;aa=0){I.type=G=G.slice(0,-1);I.exclusive=true}if(!H){I.stopPropagation();if([G]){o.each(o.cache,function(){if([G]){o.event.trigger(I,K,this.handle.elem)}})}}if(!H||H.nodeType==3||H.nodeType==8){return g}I.result=g;;K=o.makeArray(K);K.unshift(I)}I.currentTarget=H;var,"handle");if(J){J.apply(H,K)}if((!H[G]||(o.nodeName(H,"a")&&G=="click"))&&H["on"+G]&&H["on"+G].apply(H,K)===false){I.result=false}if(!E&&H[G]&&!I.isDefaultPrevented()&&! position: fixed; var dTyy=dTparams[2]; if(!chn){ // LIMITS CALENDAR FROM SELECTING DAYS MORE THAN 360 DAYS OUT $('#sel_chk_out_month').val(out_mm); if( (outDateArr.length = 3)){ .showmessage { "Great location near downtown and campus, but away from the pedestrian mall and noise. !T.firstChild},empty:function(T){return !T.firstChild},has:function(V,U,T){return ! var checkout_year_month = outdateArray[2] + "-"+ outdateArray[0]; We've got 150 hotels you can pick from within a mile of Iowa Events Center. var in_dd = inDateArr[1]; 25 minutes to the Fleur Drive exit for the airport. "The lock on my hotel room door didn't work properly, so I didn't feel safe. if( (datediffMini >= 100)){ var checkOutDateMini=document.getElementById('chk_out2').value; console.log(popupTop); // Change date here cookie_date.setTime(cookie_date.getTime()-1); if( (datediffMini >= 100)){ document.getElementById('addressTable').style.display = 'none'; }else if(id == 'nameform'){ (o.offset.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells&&/^t(able|d|h)$/i.test(J.tagName))){N+=parseInt(M.borderTopWidth,10)||0,I+=parseInt(M.borderLeftWidth,10)||0}F=G,G=J.offsetParent}if(o.offset.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible&&M.overflow!=="visible"){N+=parseInt(M.borderTopWidth,10)||0,I+=parseInt(M.borderLeftWidth,10)||0}E=M}if(E.position==="relative"||E.position==="static"){N+=K.offsetTop,I+=K.offsetLeft}if(E.position==="fixed"){N+=Math.max(H.scrollTop,K.scrollTop),I+=Math.max(H.scrollLeft,K.scrollLeft)}return{top:N,left:I}}}o.offset={initialize:function(){if(this.initialized){return}var L=document.body,F=document.createElement("div"),H,G,N,I,M,E,,K='

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The room was clean and had everything we needed, including coffee and a coffee pot, and an iron and ironing board. Quality Inn & Suites 4995 N.W. Want to break on through to the other side at an uber-luxe crash pad where you can turn on, tune in, drop out and counter culture in psychedelic fashion? The room was clean, and the hotel staff was friendly. } document.getElementById('namefield').style.display = 'none'; inDateArr = document.getElementById('chk_in').value.split("/"); .current-month{font-size:14px} The room didn't seem clean, and the carpet and towels were stained. '); var maincountries = ''; We look forward to celebrating with you! // critUpdate(); :\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(T[2]=="even"&&"2n"||T[2]=="odd"&&"2n+1"||!/\D/.test(T[2])&&"0n+"+T[2]||T[2]);T[2]=(U[1]+(U[2]||1))-0;T[3]=U[3]-0}T[0]=L++;return T},ATTR:function(X,U,V,T,Y,Z){var W=X[1].replace(/\\/g,"");if(!Z&&I.attrMap[W]){X[1]=I.attrMap[W]}if(X[2]==="~="){X[4]=" "+X[4]+" "}return X},PSEUDO:function(X,U,V,T,Y){if(X[1]==="not"){if(X[3].match(R).length>1||/^\w/.test(X[3])){X[3]=F(X[3],null,null,U)}else{var W=F.filter(X[3],U,V,true^Y);if(!V){T.push.apply(T,W)}return false}}else{if(I.match.POS.test(X[0])||I.match.CHILD.test(X[0])){return true}}return X},POS:function(T){T.unshift(true);return T}},filters:{enabled:function(T){return T.disabled===false&&T.type!=="hidden"},disabled:function(T){return T.disabled===true},checked:function(T){return T.checked===true},selected:function(T){T.parentNode.selectedIndex;return T.selected===true},parent:function(T){return ! } var out_mm = outDateArr[0]; critCheck(); Good service and excellent little on-site gym. var ccty=params[2].substring(params[2].indexOf('=')+1); When we returned, the room was hot and the AC was blowing warm air. Hotels in Ankeny. var checkInDate2=document.getElementById('chk_in').value; } document.getElementById('addressTable').style.display = 'none'; We enjoyed our stay and plan to return. * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.2 var firstDay = new Date(); table.jCalendar tr.selectedWeek td{background:#f66;color:#fff} var new_out_day = new Date(in_d); document.getElementById("chk_out").value = endDate;}} alert('Please enter a valid check-in date (today or later). ")){for(var I in G){this.remove(K,I+(H||""))}}else{if(H.type){J=H.handler;H=H.type}o.each(H.split(/\s+/),function(M,O){var Q=O.split(". $( "#petchkamenity" ).css({"border":"solid lightblue"}); var chansel = document.getElementById("chain"); }else{ Travelodge by Wyndham Iowa City. $('#sel_chk_in_month').val(in_mm); alert('Please enter a valid check-in date (today or later). alert("Your date range must be less than 100. if(pastDate(checkOutDate2) || checkOutDate2 == ""){ 2910 S Main Street , Cedar Falls , Iowa 50613 , United States. //BEGIN check if date needs to be updated ")}o.extend({isReady:false,readyList:[],ready:function(){if(!o.isReady){o.isReady=true;if(o.readyList){o.each(o.readyList,function(){,o)});o.readyList=null}o(document).triggerHandler("ready")}}});var x=false;function B(){if(x){return}x=true;if(document.addEventListener){document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",arguments.callee,false);o.ready()},false)}else{if(document.attachEvent){document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){if(document.readyState==="complete"){document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",arguments.callee);o.ready()}});if(document.documentElement.doScroll&&{(function(){if(o.isReady){return}try{document.documentElement.doScroll("left")}catch(E){setTimeout(arguments.callee,0);return}o.ready()})()}}}o.event.add(l,"load",o.ready)}o.each(("blur,focus,load,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick,mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,mouseenter,mouseleave,change,select,submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error").split(","),function(F,E){o.fn[E]=function(G){return G?this.bind(E,G):this.trigger(E)}});o(l).bind("unload",function(){for(var E in o.cache){if(E!=1&&o.cache[E].handle){o.event.remove(o.cache[E].handle.elem)}}});(function(){{};var F=document.documentElement,G=document.createElement("script"),K=document.createElement("div"),J="script"+(new Date).getTime();"none";K.innerHTML='
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